Domain into IP

Search Engine Optimization

Domain into IP

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About Domain into IP

There is a database that contains records of all the websites that are on the internet. The IP address is what identifies one domain from another. Each domain is assigned a unique IP address. An IP (Internet Protocol) is a unique addressing system used to identify all machines that are using the internet. When you connect to the internet via any device; mobile phone, tablet, laptop, computer, etc. you are identified by an IP address. Without a unique addressing system operating and managing the internet would be virtually impossible.

There are two types of IP addresses that are assigned which are known as static and dynamic. A static address never changes. Web hosting service providers purchase and use a group of dynamic addresses. It means that when a user who has been assigned a dynamic address goes off the line from the internet, the address is assigned to another user.

Static IP addresses reveal such information as the continent, country, and area in which a computer is located. However, the IP address might not be revealing the correct information about the domain. The reason for this is that a company located in South Asia may have a static IP address on a web hosting service provider located in the United States. The IP address will provide this information when an IP lookup is run.

Dynamic IP addresses are a pool of interchangeable IP addresses. All internet service providers have a pool of addresses, and they assign an IP address when a user connects to the internet. Sharing a dynamic IP address is cheaper and safer than a static IP address.

There are several ways in which you can find your IP address or that of a website. You can use the 'tracer' or the 'ping' command to find an IP address. But knowing the IP address of a website will not give you any further information.

If you want to get detailed information about a domain's IP, go to on your search browser and find the 'Domain to IP' icon, or copy/paste in the address bar of your search browser. The domain to IP tool will be displayed. Enter the domain name for which you want the IP address and press 'Submit.' The application will display the domain name, IP address, country, and ISP.